Rupert Stirling, Duke of Stratton, has long since acquired the nickname Devil. And with outrageous exploits both in and out of ladies' bedchambers, my, has he earned it!
Risqué behavior is beyond Pandora Maybury, widowed Duchess of Wyndwood -- although with her dark secret she's far too well acquainted with being the subject of ribald gossip for her liking. If only the Ton knew just how innocent she really was…including Rupert who, after rescuing her from a compromising situation, seems intent on wickedly compromising her himself!
Very good book. I really liked both Pandora and Rupert. Pandora's husband was killed in a duel the year before and she was blamed for it. This has set her up to be treated badly by men of the ton. Rupert saves her from an attack and then appears to be pursuing her for himself. She is very wary about trusting Rupert. I liked the way that she stood up for herself when she wanted to. It is also apparent that she is a very kind person at heart, who watches out for the people she cares about. I loved Rupert. He seemed very arrogant at first, especially when Pandora overheard him talking to his friend. I loved the way he came to Pandora's rescue and then how he took care of her and got her home. I loved his protectiveness and the way he was so fascinated by her. He was surprised by the depth of his feelings for her, beyond just the attraction. I loved the way they would be getting along just fine, then arguing, then giving in to passion. My favorite part of the book was the confrontation with Rupert's stepmother - Pandora was fantastic! I also enjoyed the mystery of the break-ins at her house and the revealing of the villain.

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